Bulgaria, 9000 Varna, 25,Czar Simeon” Str, Tel. 00359 52 630 808, 314 507 E-mail: byron-school@abv.bg

The centre of science and technique is a modern architectural building in the centre of Varna whose facilities are equally used by two private schools - The Professional High school in Economics and Business administration “Atanas Burov” and The Private Language school “George Byron” where English is the dominant language.

Both schools have intensive, meaningful and varied school and extracurricular activities. Some of these activities have already become traditional for the two institutions, others have been extended and enriched and there is a third group involving new ones which still develop. The common thing is that they all help the growth and development of our students in different aspects.
Some of the most striking examples are:


The quizzes and the round-table talks, devoted to the patrons of the schools – Atanas Burov and George Byron. Our students do not only speak in support of their views there but they also learn to compete and judge.


The celebrations and holidays are dedicated either to memorable dates in our history or to typical cultural events and traditions in the countries, whose languages we study.
- 3rd March, the National holiday of Bulgaria is commemorated in an unusual way – by theatre performances. Our students have a repertoire of classical Bulgarian pieces like : “Ivanko, King Asen’s killer”, “Under the Yoke”, “ The Phoney Civilization”. The ‘actors’ have gained enough experience to play as well as professionals.

- On 24th May we respect and support the tradition and take part in the town parade making reputation in Varna educational and cultural.
- Our farewell balls are real festivals of youth and beauty. Our graduates enjoy themselves immensely and cherish memories for the rest of their life.

- St. Valentine Day has always been a good occasion for writing love poems in English.


I’m so afraid, I can’t take no breath.
I feel the pain in my brain and even my bones.
What if you are really gone?
I have no ambition to go on
I’m so confused and stiffed like ice cube.
I wish you would just believe me
Please don’t leave me.
I just want to be together
I want to be with you forever
Without you nothing doesn’t matters
I want to be your lifetime lover
For you I would forget my brother.
How can I make you stay with me?
I don’t know what to do besides cry.
If you leave, I’ll die
You are my heart, you are my soul.
We can’t just part, please don’t go.
Please believe me and stay with me.
Please don’t leave, please don’t leave me.

Daniel Banchev IX

- On Halloween the students take to organising fancy balls, competitions for posters and pumpkin lanterns, reciting amusing poems or playing traditional Halloween games.

- The trips around Bulgaria make our students find much more about the history and traditions. We usually visit places which are sacred for everybody and praise the native beauties.

- The excursions abroad /to France and Greece/ evoked students’ admiration. They saw magnificent monuments and learned more about cultural and historical heritage of other European countries. The students have already formed their own set of values which helps them to see that Bulgaria has its place among the European cultural achievements.

Winter camps

The camps in some of the most prestigious winter resorts /Pamporovo, Borovets, Jundula/ left romantic memories with their ski-tracks, snowy woods, breath-taking views.

The school training firm “Arthur +”

The school training firm “Arthur +”, functioning in the Vocational school, has already won recognition among the other training firms in Bulgaria and abroad. The students took part in international fairs in Sofia, Stara Zagora and Saltzburg.


Работата ни по проекти-в урочната дейност, но и по-амбициозни:общински, национални, европейски се е утвърдила, разширила и все повече се развива:
-- The national project “Bulgaria – yes!This is my nature!” was presented at the national ecological contest “Srebarna 2003” by students from both schools. They received six diplomas for their successful work..

- Поставени са основите и на нов училищен емропейски проект “Да си млад човек в Европа”. Ще очакваме одобрението му съвместно с партньорите си от Холандия, Германия, Полша, Латвия.

- В ход е европейският езиков проект. От региона към Европа, Многолика Европа. Сравнение между българска (варненска) и френска (бретонска) сватба съвместно с колежа /лицей “Сент Жьоньовиев” от гр.Рен, Франция. Проведоха се подготвителните визити, започнала е кореспонденция, правят се проучвания в Етнографския музей, обобщават се в реферати, готвим се да посрещнем френските си партньори и сами да пътуваме до гр.Рен.

Gaudeamus igitur

Gaudeamus igitur, “Да се веселим, докато сме млади”
Доскорощните наши ученици днес продължават образованието си в български и чуждестранни ВУЗ-ове (Икономическя Университет, ВВМорско училище, Техническия университет, Международния колеж в Албена, Стопанската академия в Свищов, в Гърция, Италия, Хърватска, Молдова, САЩ).


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© 2001, Private High Shool EBA Atanas BUROV, Private Language School George BYRON- Varna, Bulgaria